Memphis Car Accident Lawyer

Motor vehicle crashes can have devastating consequences, such as serious injuries or fatalities for all parties involved. If a crash occurs due to someone else’s fault, a skilled personal injury attorney could help you pursue financial compensation for your losses and ongoing medical expenses.

Paying for your medical bills and replacing your lost wages are only some of the ways a claim could work in your favor. A Memphis car accident lawyer could advise you on how you could benefit from pursuing legal action against the responsible party.

Schedule a free case review today!

Types of Car Accidents

Accidents generally fall into several broad categories. A Memphis attorney could help build a negligence claim following an automobile wreck in any of these cases and maximize your personal injury case.


The most common type of vehicle crash is a rear-end accident. A rear-end wreck occurs when one driver strikes the rear end of the car in front of them. There are various reasons for these collisions, such as distraction, intoxication, and following a motor vehicle too closely.


Rollover wrecks are accidents in which an automobile flips and rolls over, often while traveling at high speed. While these rollover accidents often involve a single vehicle, negligence could still be their primary cause. Inadequate road maintenance or a malfunctioning car could result in a claim following a single-car rollover crash.


A side-impact collision occurs when a motorist strikes the side of another motor vehicle. These accidents are most common in intersections but can also occur when drivers are turning out of parking lots or side streets.


One of the most devastating types of collisions is a front-end collision. These accidents happen when two vehicles strike each other head-on. Some front-end collisions occur when one driver veers into oncoming traffic. No matter how these crashes happen, the outcome is often fatal.

The accident scene will show which of these your case falls into. While some auto accident cases seem like clear-cut claims to an insurance company, others require a personal injury lawyer unequivocally. The legal team here at Pickford Law, PLLC provides the legal services you need.

How Memphis Car Accident Lawyers Help

Memphis car accident attorneys are the best asset to have in bringing a personal injury claim. Suppose you want adequate compensation in your car accident claim. In that case, your auto accident attorney can help you secure a medical report.

Common auto accident injuries include:

  • Neck injuries
  • Head injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Back injury
  • Whiplash

Suppose you’ve suffered injuries in a motor vehicle collision. In that case, a Memphis personal injury lawyer can give you an estimate of your potential compensation.

Compensation for Damages in Motor Vehicle Accidents

Different types of losses can result from a car wreck. Serious car accident injuries, time away from work, and crippling medical debt are only some ways an automobile collision could alter a person’s life.

While the types of awards available in these cases are generally similar, the amount of compensation available for one accident could differ significantly.

Some examples of awards available to car accident victims are:

If a vehicle crash happens, Memphis car accident lawyers help the plaintiff secure compensation for their damages. Auto accidents are overwhelming; car accident attorneys can alleviate some of the load.

A skilled attorney’s first step in aiding the claimant is assessing the damages that might be available for them to ensure they get their rightful compensation.

Our Practice Areas

In addition to securing full and fair compensation for our injury victims, we practice in these areas:

Schedule a free case review so we can get started!

Talk To A Memphis Car Accident Attorney Today

Tending to your medical needs and addressing the other important aspects of a wreck can be frustrating, especially if you cannot return to work immediately because of your injuries.

A Memphis car accident lawyer can remove the stress of pursuing your personal injury case in the aftermath of a vehicle collision.

Pickford Law, LLC has vast experience securing fair compensation for clients in car accident cases. Contact us today, and we’ll review your case.

Case Review