Memphis Slip and Fall Lawyer

No matter your age or physical fitness, a sudden fall could cause you to sustain serious injuries that could lead to substantial financial and personal losses. On top of that, holding a property owner liable for an unsafe premises condition could be deceptively complex, particularly if you have little experience with personal injury law.

Guidance from a Memphis slip and fall lawyer could make the difference in your lawsuit or settlement demand. Beyond helping to establish who was at fault, a dedicated personal injury attorney could also ensure you are demanding the right amount of compensation for all losses you have suffered.

If you or someone you love has experienced a fall that was due to another person’s negligence, contact Pickford Law Firm. Call now to get started on your claim.

Slip and Fall Basics

One complicated aspect of litigation for a slip and fall accident is how state law governs premises liability for injuries sustained by visitors on a property owner’s land.

Contrary to what some may believe, landowners are not automatically at fault for every accident that occurs on their property. Instead, their “duty of care” changes depending on why the injured person was on the owner’s property to begin with and how the incident in question actually occurred.

First and foremost, property owners owe no duty of care to trespassers who are on their land without permission. The only rule is that owners cannot intentionally try to harm trespassers by attacking them or setting traps.

On the other hand, property owners owe “reasonable care” to lawful visitors. This means landowners must be aware of their property’s condition, warn lawful visitors of known hazards, and take timely measures to address those hazards.

A property owner might be liable if someone slipped and fell because of a puddle left unmarked and uncleaned in a store aisle for several hours. If a puddle had only been present for a couple of minutes beforehand, the manager would not be held responsible for a slip and fall accident that occurred there.

A Memphis personal injury lawyer could provide more clarification about what circumstances might justify litigation and allow for comprehensive recovery.

Memphis Slip and Fall Lawsuit Filing Deadlines

It is important to take legal action quickly after a slipping and falling accident because the state only gives a short period of time for someone to file a claim after an incident like this.

Under Tennessee law, most personal injury claims—including those that stem from slip and fall accidents—have an effective filing deadline of just one year after the injury actually occurred.

Even if it is extremely obvious that a landowner is at fault for someone tripping and falling, the plaintiff will have no chance for compensation if they wait too long to file suit.

Once retained, a slip-and-fall accident attorney in Memphis could play a crucial role in building a comprehensive and compelling case before this deadline expires.

Talk To a Memphis Slip and Fall Attorney Today

A slip-and-fall accident can result in debilitating injuries and losses. If you want to recover financially after such an incident, seeking help from a knowledgeable legal professional may be your only dependable means of doing so.

A Memphis slip and fall lawyer could discuss specific legal options and help you decide the next steps you should take in your case during a free consultation meeting. Contact us today to schedule your slip-and-fall case review.

Case Review